I have only spoken to Fredrik twice today and that makes me nervous, is he giving up? am I getting too calm? are they in line, on line, any line? I don't know, what I do know is that tomorrow morning I am getting into the car to check the status.
Before I leave...
This is what I am to expect tomorrow according to promises made:
Bathroom in place, tiles and cement walls, sink and floor, only thing missing should be the taps.
Bedroom section finalized and painted.
Lighting in place in all rooms.
On Sunday the floorguy is booked, it will be interesting to see how the painters get along with the dustcreating floor guy ; )
Looking through some old pictures I have to admit, we are moving in the right direction!
Liebling, du är min hjältinna. Det blir fantastiskt (visste vi redan när du satte igång), tappa inte modet - häng iiiii nu. Kök är totalt överskattat BTW. En uppfattning jag tydligen delar med vissa delar av hantverkskåren. Puss - hör av dig om du behöver omedelbar support/rödvin.
ReplyDeleteTack darling. Rödvinssupport kan man aldrig få för mycket av...eller? Och visst är det så,Kök totalt overrated. Vad ska man med ett kök till? Mat finns ju på påse?