Thursday, January 21, 2010

Things are happening...and there will be light!!!

When in comes to project managing there are many things I would have liked to see handled in a different way but I guess I will just have to go with the flow at this stage...Maybe I am a bit naive,  but things are starting to move in a really nice direction.

The painters (3 guys) are busy getting the bedroom section ready.
The fridge and fan have arrived...and I think that I have  cracked the communication code with the electricity guys, or they have cracked mine...either way:

how to avoid misunderstandings when planning electricity ; ) 

The electricians are really back in gear. I am sort of sad that I had to get so angry to get things back in gear, but we are moving and now they have promised to be done by Saturday.

Happy list of things that have gone wrong:
The bathroom shower area is looking more like an icy lake on a stormy day, not really what I was hoping for.
The walls are great, but miss spots of cement here and there.
The wholes for the shampoo bottles and toilet-paper (another on the go idea) are completely uneven and rugged.
The tub is placed more or less where I wanted it to be but not entirely as the drainage was a bit misplaced...due to misunderstandings
Oh well, let's face it the house is not excatly new, which leaves almost no straight angels. ; ) and as a consequence it is almost impossible to get in a a flat line..

Hopefully all these things will be possible to fix, tonight I think, I hope...

Other fun things
Apparently I already have house guests, nice invisible little buggers that are eating the bearings of the floors, hence the living room floor had to be lifted and remade so that I would not come falling down into the basement. That however will be a case for the insurance company...I hope! Will this delay the project? Of course it will but Fredrik keeps saying don't worry we'll make it. If he does he is a magician!

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