Saturday, January 15, 2011

How talks about childlife can lead builders into a playing frenzie

 When I came home from work, having picked up the Yesterday with the kids this is what we saw....

Coming up the stairs it got even crazier....

 I spent Friday evening with 6 kids playing all sorts of sport. I was asking myself (or more honestly cursing)why I had not invested in some sort of insulation between the two floors when I rebuilt the kitchen. My next reflection was whether the kitchen fan would stay put or if I would settle for it as a constant gigantic pot on the stove instead. Either way they are loving it and I haven't really seen much of them since. 

   Sense moral of this story if you let a builder loose from the over all white cage, providing him with inpirational talks about summertowels "free frames" and kids play...the risk is that he will go ballistic with ideas.

Am I happy with it? As much as it hurts to admit...YES...Then again what did I expect telling a man about my vision for 2 playful boys?

Breaking the white trend-Creating a wall inspired by a summer towel

If the kids owns the top floor they should also be allowed to have a space as far away from white and simplicity as possible, so if I am to go for colors I am to do it ALL the way. I found a picture of the kids from some summers ago. They are oozing with sun, salt, curiosity and new discovery, and that't what I wanted to bring to this winter palace surrounded by ice and snow. . 

So without further delays, off to the paint shop again to re-think the now all white x-sauna. I don't know which cost methe most the paint or all the painters tape that was required to do the job, but the result is more than I could hope for. 

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hallway refresher...

Guess before and after....

And so it was all white and "fresh" and crispy and then it struck me...WHY oh WHY am I so stuck on  white? If the kids owns the place then I should create a room that allows them to be kids. In other words step one out with the WHITE!

Step 2...Yes you are right it will get even crazier ; )

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How to let the daylight in....or why white sometimes need some help

I wanted to create a guest room on the top floor. I kept the brown closets but had them painted...yes you guessed right...WHITE. The orangea carpet that once covered the patchwork floor revealed a beatiful wooden floor underneath. I had that roughly sandpapered and then painted -yes right again-white.

But even with an all white the room (especially the hallway outside the room) felt a bit how do I let the light flowing from one room to another? I walked out into the garage/barn and JOY...found some old windows. And voilá a new idea was born...what if we insert a window into the wall?

 So inserting the window and creating a whole to do so was to take place while I had a working meeting at home, guess what? The wall turned out to be built on 2 other walls and the noise that this "simple" idea generated really took the meeting to a trying the idea had to be postponed for a day to get tougher tools...


The day after the so called more appropriate...tougher tools arrived..and with them the noise got worse...My poor sleep overfriend had a huge patience being waken up by this lovely happening (thankyou for your patience Johanna!)  I sort of forgot to mention this to her prior to convincing her to come over for snowballwar and glögg the evening before.

 And once the light flooded in over the stairs I realized...ah it doesn't at all have to be all white ...but that's a whole new chapter....

And out goes the "sauna giganticus"

With mother nature reminding me of what heating a big house means the budget to refresh the topfloor is somewhat limited. The time and creativity however is still there so I have started a step by step referesher of the top floor.

The magic of some white color!

Phase 2, "facing facts"

So here I  go again, this time with a limited budget but eons of time. I had such big hopes for the top floor, but mother nature showed me what real winter can do with electricity bills and that made me abit wiser. Still since I need to heat the whole house I may just as well make it nicer to live in...I am happy to get going.

Step 1 the sauna feeling needs to go