Saturday, January 15, 2011

How talks about childlife can lead builders into a playing frenzie

 When I came home from work, having picked up the Yesterday with the kids this is what we saw....

Coming up the stairs it got even crazier....

 I spent Friday evening with 6 kids playing all sorts of sport. I was asking myself (or more honestly cursing)why I had not invested in some sort of insulation between the two floors when I rebuilt the kitchen. My next reflection was whether the kitchen fan would stay put or if I would settle for it as a constant gigantic pot on the stove instead. Either way they are loving it and I haven't really seen much of them since. 

   Sense moral of this story if you let a builder loose from the over all white cage, providing him with inpirational talks about summertowels "free frames" and kids play...the risk is that he will go ballistic with ideas.

Am I happy with it? As much as it hurts to admit...YES...Then again what did I expect telling a man about my vision for 2 playful boys?


  1. Livia du är fantastisk! Jättefnt verkligen! Kram på dej och kussarna :)

  2. Måste säga Livia, så coolt, dina pojkar måste vara överlyckliga. Vilken fin mamma du är!!! Kram till dig och nu skall jag minsann ta mig i kragen och styra kosan mot Svalöv. Kramar Lotten

  3. Jisses, vilket underbart rum det blev!!!
    Tror jag har funnit en kvinna som är lik mig själv, VILL MAN SÅ KAN MAN!!
    Saknar dig fina människa!

    Kramar Mia
